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Headspace is a mobile- and web-based guided meditation app suitable for all ages. It is intended to help people deal with stress, to increase awareness, and to promote well-being. It relies on the principle that...
Talkspace is a mobile (and web) based Online Therapy app which provides counselling to people experiencing a vast range of emotional distress: depression, anxiety, relationship issues, eating disorders etc...
Triple P Online
Triple P Online is a digital parenting program intended to help parents handle their child’s behavior problems (discipline, compliance, oppositional behaviors). The three Ps in Triple P stand for ‘Positive Parenting...
Daylio is a mood journal that aims to help users track moods and related activities. The program’s main feature is the mood log where users can rate their mood on a 5-point scale (from “rad” [superb] to “awful”) at...
TicHelper is a web-based program designed to assist children and adolescents (8 y/o and up) who are dealing with various manifestations of tics. TicHelper is built as an 8-week self-help behavioral intervention...
7 Cups of Tea
7 Cups of Tea (7Cups) is a mobile- and web-based chat messaging platform that provides emotional support and counseling through trained volunteers (listeners), certified therapists (pay-based), and self-help tools...
Recovery Record - Eating Disorder Management
Recovery Record is a mobile- and web-based program designed to assist users in the recovery process from eating disorders. The program has two versions: a patient program (free) and a clinician program (paid after...
[Lantern team has announced that they will be shutting down the Lantern app as of 12/31/2018. Until that time The Lantern app is moving over to maintenance mode and all coaching features have been removed...
Calm is a web- and mobile-based program intended to help users reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep, and relax through the practice of mindfulness ,meditation and other relaxation techniques . Calm offers a wide....
VetChange is a mobile and web-based self-management program intended to help active duty military personnel and Veterans build skills to better manage their drinking. The program starts with self-assessment...
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