Smoke Free - Quit Smoking Now is a mobile app designed to help individuals give up smoking through a scientifically-backed approach. It is based on the principle that boosting motivation and increasing self-confidence, combined with different CBT (cognitive-behavioral therapy) techniques, may enhance a smoker’s ability to quit. The core feature of Smoke Free is its tracking system. Users can view how long they've been smoke-free, the number of cigarettes not smoked, money saved, and improvement of different health measurements, all together quantifying the health and financial benefits of quitting smoking. Additionally, Smoke Free offers over 30 different short daily missions, aimed at helping users throughout different levels in the process, from pre-quit until dealing with cravings. Moreover, the app provides ideals for distracting, relaxing or rewarding activities, mantras, tips, and references for outside resources. The app also features a diary section where users can record their cravings and mood. It provides an extensive statistical analysis which helps users to identify patterns and triggers in their smoking habits.
Smoke Free offers both free and premium versions. Subscription includes additional features, such as the ability to customize the app's interface, more in-depth statistics and more psychological techniques.
Smoke Free can be used as an adjunct tool in smoking cessation therapy, particularly for its evidence-based techniques and progress tracking. The app's integration of daily missions based on cognitive-behavioural therapy techniques help reinforce the strategies discussed in therapy sessions.
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